Get to Know Our Mobile Medical Clinic: FAQ Answers

Get to Know Our Mobile Medical Clinic: FAQ Answers

Accessing high-quality medical treatment can be a struggle for many Adams County residents. That’s why East Adams Rural Healthcare is bringing those services closer to home with our mobile medical clinic — a fully equipped 40-foot Freightliner motorcoach that provides...
Men’s Health Awareness Month: Screenings Men Need

Men’s Health Awareness Month: Screenings Men Need

They are our dads, brothers, husbands, and sons. Men love to take the steering wheel when it comes to their roles in life, but their health often takes a backseat. June is Men’s Health Awareness Month — a time to remind the guys in our lives about the importance of...
Heart Attacks in Women: Five Signs to Watch For

Heart Attacks in Women: Five Signs to Watch For

Did you know that heart disease claims the lives of more women every year than cancer? According to the World Heart Federation, heart disease accounts for around 35% of female deaths every year. Alarmingly, many women experience a heart attack without realizing it....
What Is a Swing Bed in a Hospital?

What Is a Swing Bed in a Hospital?

Most hospital visits address immediate needs, such as injuries or sudden illnesses. Most of these patients will go home within a few hours or days. But what if recovery takes longer?  That’s where swing beds come in. More commonly referred to as “transitional...
Finding a Female Doctor Near Me

Finding a Female Doctor Near Me

You should feel comfortable and understood by your doctor. It allows you to communicate openly with them and take a more collaborative approach to your healthcare. Having that relationship with your doctor can result in better healthcare outcomes.  For some...