Contact Us

Our community means the world to us, and we want to support you however we are able.

East Adams Rural Healthcare’s dedicated staff is ready to answer your questions and provide any assistance regarding your care. Whether it’s concerning appointments, resources, or finances, we are here to help!

Our patients are our family, friends, and neighbors.

East Adams Rural Healthcare

903 S. Adams Street
Ritzville, WA 99169

Phone: 509-659-1200

Fax: 509-659-0632

District Clinics

Administration: 509-659-5415

Physical Therapy: 509-659-5408

Billing Office: 509-659-5406

Human Resources: 509-659-5411

Medical Records: 509-659-5418
(Fax 509-659-1113)

Ritzville Medical Clinic: 509-659-1200

Washtucna Medical Clinic: 509-646-3290

Contact Us

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Privacy Policy*

Notice Regarding Data Security Incident: East Adams Rural Health (EARH) has been investigating a data security incident that may have impacted personal and health information.

If you have questions or need more information, click here or call our toll-free response line at 866-651-4242.